Thursday, December 8, 2016

Walt Disney Lied! Old Yeller is Alive & Well. And Living at Fernbrook Resort Freelton

Walt Disney Lied! Old Yeller is Alive & Well. And Living at Fernbrook Resort Freelton

File photo of Walt Disney. In background is Old Yeller's luxurious summer retreat. 

Remember that ole Walt Disney movie ‘Old Yeller’? Based on the book of the same name by Fred Gipson. At the end of the movie Old Yeller is shot. 

But Fernbrook Resort Freelton residents know this not to be true. 

The real Old Yeller sans costume and makeup
Old Yeller is alive and well. And yellering at family, neighbours and employees of the Fernbrook nation with reckless and indiscriminate abandon.

In fact just the other day Fernbrook Resort Freelton’s most undesirable and disliked citizen was out walking the nations byways and highways when Old Yeller sped by, hit the brakes, jumped out of the car and began yellering at Neighbour Undesirable. 

Old Yeller at work on the Disney set.
All I heard was five minutes plus of yellering. Yelling that was so fast and loud that I couldn’t actually make out what was being said. However being 90% deaf I am also a consummate lip reader. And I’m pretty certain that I could make out the topic of the one sided discussion. 

And the topic was the part of Neighbor Undesirable’s hair.

Fernbrook Resort Freelton's unapproved hair part
Yup, Old Yeller was yelling at neighbour undesirable about the incorrect non-Fernbrook Resort management approved part of his hair. 

The approved Fernbrook Resort hair part.
Neighbour Undesirable however not only seemed to be ignoring the appaulling behavior of Old Yeller, he also appeared to be looking at the ground and quietly smiling. Which enraged Old Yeller to such a degree that the yelling rose and rose and rose until it took the tone of a dog whistle. Or a boiling steam kettle. Finally, frustrated by the lack of response from Neighbour Undesirable, the Old Yeller ran home in tears, tail between legs, and loudly slammed the door on the mobile mansion. So sad not to be being instantly obeyed by a mere mortal and lesser person.  

But I would like to take the time to thank you Old Yeller! And other Fernbrook Resort citizens reading this should also take the time to walk up to Old Yeller and just say “Thank you Old Yeller.” Because I for one applaud this type of behavior. (It certainly beats the appalling behavior of those socially superior stone-quiet Silences and the pussy they hold prisoner.)


Because the last thing Fernbrook Resort Freelton needs are citizens who flaunt authority and part their hair in an appalling or non-acceptable manner. We need to get rid of these types once and for all. 

And once we get rid of all the people we don’t like because they're more dumberer than we is than we can find other appalling people we don’t like. And than get rid of those people too! Until everyone is exactly the same as Fernbrook Resort Freelton’s mostest smartestest and intelligentest citizen. Old Yeller. Because hey, this tactic of societal eugenics worked for Adolph Hitler. And in the history of the world no one parted their hair in a more popular or socially acceptable fashion than der Fuehrer. And that turned out great for both Germany and the world. 

Adolph Hitler displays his parted hair to adoring German masses.

Though he was a bit of an Old Yeller too. Hitler was. Always shooting off his mouth. And just like Old Yeller he also ended up getting shot at the end.

Oh well... I guess sometimes it sucks to be an Old Yeller.

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