Steven Spielberg announces ‘The Chronicles of Rooster’ at Fernbrook Resort Freelton
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Monster Deal Concluded at Fernbrook Resort |
It’s official! This week Dreamworks SKG concluded a deal with Stephen King to produce ‘the Chronicles of Rooster’ a series based on the main character of King’s best selling and critically acclaimed story The Coop of Gallus Domesticus ( )
Negotiations have been ongoing for months ( )
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Stephen King poses with pet cat Glenn |
Said Stephen King, “My pet cat dislikes chickens of all breeds. And wanting to please my pussy I would have given the rights of this story away for free… but when Mr. Spielberg offered me twelve million plus six percent of the gross and a share in any spinoffs or merchandise, well, that sounded good to me too. So I went with it.”
Mr. Spielberg confirmed the deal on behalf of Dreamworks SKG.
“My cat also has a strong dislike for roosters. And when Stephen said his cat said the same thing to him I knew that this was a guy I could work with.”
On the surface ‘The Chronicles of Rooster’ is the story of a craven cock that constantly disturbs the once peaceful nation of Fernbrook Resor. But underneath that feather-covered exterior beats the heart of a cowardly chicken whose ego only gets boosted by skulking around and doing dirty deeds behind backs. While constantly sticking his beak up the backsides of those very same people… fooling them into thinking that he’s harmless and innocent. While he laughs at them behind their back.
“Best of all,” said Steven Spielberg, “I can finally use the word cock without getting censored by the censors. Usually I have to bleep words like that to get that family friendly rating which increases viewership. But since cock is a perfectly acceptable synonym for Rooster I can say it as much as I want and there ain’t a darn thing that the censors can do. Screw you censors!”
But that wasn’t all Mr. Spielberg had to say.
“Every time I see Rooster I just want to shout ‘You stupid cock, why don’t you quit being such a chicken and be man’,” he laughed, “but I doubt that will ever happen. Once a chicken always a chicken… ha ha… ha ha ha ha ha…” he giggled, “Silly Cock, tricks are for kids!”
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Doc Ballard, Lord Mayor of the Grand Nation of Fernbrook Resort |
The Lord Mayor of Fernbrook Resort approved the deal stating that it added almost eighteen dollars to the state's treasury and that he loves the smell of money in the morning.